2010年4月12日 星期一

The advantages and disadvantages of working part-time

Working part-time job has its disadvantages and advantages. The advantage is that you can earn extra money and pay for things on your own. In addition, you can get valuable experience by working in real world. Many students have part-time jobs nowadays to earn their pocket money as well as get experience working.

The disadvantages of working part-time is that it might take away the time you would spend with your families or friends and studying. If you work during your spare time, you will reduce the study time after school. In my past experience, I spent much time on part-time job so that my study wasn’t very well and I found I didn’t get enough knowledge at my studies. So if the job get in the way of your families and studies, you should adjust the time or look for one that has a regular time or not too tired to affect your daily schedule.

