2010年10月11日 星期一

Facing your stress

How to face stress is many people have to learn in this modern society because of various tensions and competitions. The various conditions of stress include feeling irritable, having emotional outbursts, generally feeling upset, finding it hard to make decisions.

Learning to manage your stress is a skill. When the situation gets tough and the pressure reaches a point, do you get angry or do you know how to do to lower your stress and aggravation levels in an instant?
Here are some tips that should help lower your tension in just a few minutes.
First, when you get stressed, if your heart rate goes up and your breathing becomes more rapid, you should take a deep breath and then slow down your breathing. Hold your breath for a moment then exhale slowly. As you exhale, you will release the tension. If it helps, maybe you can increase your level of relaxation, close your eyes as you slow down your breathing.

Second, sometimes walk away is the way s to remove yourself from the source of your aggravation. For example, if your child is in a screaming and crying, you may need to take a step back until you are able to calm down before dealing with it. If you can’t do that, close your eyes to shut out everyone else, even for a moment.
When you faced with a difficulty that is causing you stress, remember this particular issue or situation is merely a speck in the overall scheme of things. Unless it’s life or death, take a step back and remember that there’s always a solution. Perhaps the problem isn’t as grave as you think.

Finally, you may repeat your positive affirmations to help you calm down. If you’re stressed because you are stumped on how to solve a problem, say to yourself that you are smart and you can handle the situation. Or listen to some calming music. If you have an iPod, plug your earphones and listen to some soothing music.Avoid listening to heavy rock and fast paced music, since the thumping beats may only serve to excite you.

Try to use these ways when you feel you need to clam down immediately.
You’ll feel the effects within seconds or minutes.

