2011年2月20日 星期日

Chinese New Year

The date of the Chinese New Year is determined by the lunar calendar rather than the western calendar. It falls on a day ranging from late January to mid-February. We prepared for New Year, families clean out houses, wash all the household utensils, and throw away unwanted items. Two days before Chinese New Year, we hold a thanksgiving ceremony in honor of Heaven. Chicken, pork, fish, sticky rice cake and fruit and some of the items offered.

On New Year’s Eve, our members of every family returns home to have a family reunion dinner. There are a lot of special foods served, such as hot pot, dumplings and fish. After the dinner, children receive red envelopes containing gifts of lucky money. We stayed awake as long as we can during the night because it is believed that the longer the children stay awake, the longer their parents live. On New Year’s Day, after midnight, firecrackers are set off to “scare away” evil spirits.

On the first day of the Chinese New Year, we didn’t cook or eat any meat because we believe that this will ensure a happy and long life. We visited neighbors and friends. When we met, we said “Gong Xi Fa Chai,” each other to wish a happy new year.

