In this winter vacation, I saw a good movie from Indian. This movie narrated that stems from the Indian slum youth, Jamal, he attends the television program to guess a riddle. Finally, he holds the big prize. Through Jamal narrated story of his own childhood that gives all audiences on a real curriculum.
How hasn't ever received the education who poor child be able to guess right all questions? Some people have the question to the Jamal’s honest conduct. Arrested by police under suspicion of cheating, Jamal is interrogated by the authorities. The police simply can't believe that a common "slumdog" could possibly possess the knowledge to get this far in the game, and in order to convince them of how he gained such knowledge, Jamal begins reflecting back on his childhood.
All in all, I think that Jamal is a lucky child. He obtains not only the question of explanation, but also gets trusts with relationship of brothers and love. This movie deserve us seeing, it reflects the questions of poverty's society and a young man how to gain his want.
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