2009年10月10日 星期六

Encouraging someone

Someone may encounter a few setbacks in his whole life. They maybe become depress about a lot of things. Everybody has his own view of what happened. I got from so much encouragement from my teachers and friends, so I try to be more positive in dealing with the problem. Do you know how to cheering someone up?

If someone is depressed, you can say….Get your mind off your problem and think positive to look on the bright side. We have behind you one hundred percent. If someone lost his faith on study, you can say…Don’t let this difficulty dishearten you. No problem, I will help you on study. I have faith in you. If your friend is pessimist person, you can say…. Tell me about your worries. It’s always darkest before the dawn. Everything’s going to be all right.

All in all if you want to encourage someone up, please let him know he is not alone. And cheer him up or treat a good meal should make him feel better. You know the saying: Every clouds has a silver lining.

