2010年6月29日 星期二

TV programs

Most people enjoy watching TV. There are many wonderful shows on TV that can be educational. However, some TV programs with a lot of sex and violence are a big problem for our children.

In my opinion, the amount of sex and violence should be taken cut down. And parents should pay attention to what their children are watching on TV at all times. It is not a good idea parents let their children aren't watching anything on TV. The better way is parents can sit down and watch TV with their kids, they will know what is going on and how much harm such programs can do to their children.

My favorite cat,Garfield.

Who's everyone's favorite dog? Many people would probably choose a comic strip's superstar "Snoopy". Who's everyone's favorite cat? Likewise, a lot of people would respond with one answer above all others: Garfield!

Garfield is the world's famous cat is nearly as old as the longest-lived cats I like the part of the charm of the character Garfield lies in his many failings: his greed, especially for food, lied makes him much too fat; his meanness to his "owner" Jim and Jim's dog; and his largely underserved pride. I still love Garfield. Why?

I can identify with some of his darker emotions and ideas, and then laugh at how silly they are. Garfield says what many of us don't dare to. Therefore, I think the courage to express himself honestly.

2010年6月28日 星期一

Save Energy During Hot Summer Months

Do you know how to save energy during hot summer months? It is essential to maintain an affordable energy bills for many families.First of all, you have to adjust the thermostat to a sufficient cooling temperature. Then, make sure you replace or clean the air filters according to recommendations. Finally, I’ll suggest you buy a programmable thermostat.

Adjusting your air conditioning can greatly reduce your power consumption, and can lower your power bill during hot summer months. A simple way to save money and energy is to adjust your thermostat. You can do that by lowering the thermostat temperature to adjust the air conditioning. Turning the thermostat up or down by one degree can result in a savings of three percent or more on your energy costs. Saving energy is simple and won't cost anything. Can we cut our energy use and green house gas emissions by 50%? Saving energy is a change that we could make immediately and would cost nothing that can cut our energy use by about 6%. You can follow the steps as below to save your energy bill.

• Step 1
Adjust the thermostat to a sufficient cooling temperature. Typically a thermostat can be set between 26 and 28 to maintain a comfortable temperate climate. You can set the thermostat by lowering the control arm on the side of the thermostat, turning the dial counter-clockwise on dial thermostats, or typing in a specific temperature on digital thermostats. Read the temperature gauge as you change the settings. Set your thermostat at 27 degrees in the summer. Lower the thermostat even more in the summer, when you are asleep or away from home. Lowering your thermostat will also help cut down on carbon dioxide emissions.

• Step 2
Make sure you replace or clean the air filters according to recommendations. A clean air filter can help save five percent of the energy used. More energy is burned when air conditioning or furnaces have to work harder. Use ceiling fans in the summer, when you are in the room. Even though the thermostat is set higher, you can still use fans to cool off. A fan will use less energy that lowering the air conditioning. Turn the fan off if you are not in the room.

• Step 3
Buy a programmable thermostat, if possible. You can set the thermostat to kick on and off according to your schedule. This way, you won't have to wait for the house to cool off when you wake up or return home from work. Look for Energy Star certified appliances. These are high-efficiency appliances that will, along with your thermostat control.

Take steps to ensure that your home stays cool without using the air conditioning constantly so that you can lower your energy costs.

Cooperative Reading Strategy Instruction

Reading is not so easy. I want to read for pleasure, and find to read easily, but no one gets it at the first time. I want to know how to read effectively and remember what I read. Before learning reading strategies, I don't understand how to use it and its advantage for me. When I am reading a text or an article, the problem is that there are many words or vocabularyI don't know. Then I fail to understand the topic even unable to continue reading it. It wastes time if I check the words in the dictionary.

Now I try to think about how my learning style interacts with the text while reading, and perhaps change my reading strategies to meet the challenges of the text. I instinctively understand how to use reading strategies. For instance, I try to look at the title of the reading first, the subhead, illustrations or graphs. I need to learn ways to leap into reading, keep going, summarize, and connect the new information to other knowledge I have acquired.

I think I just need any three strategies may be enough to make me a better reader. I experiment with different methods including use context clues, summarize the gist, activate knowledge and see what works for me. I think using context clues is a good way to help me not only reason the meanings out but also can build up my vocabulary.

Through cooperative learning, I have got the benefit from it. If I have any questions, I can discuss with team members to get the answer immediately. After the training courses of English, I found I have a great progress in my grammar, reading and listening. It can be proved from my TOEIC exam this time, I attend the exam and feel it is easier than I did it before. All in all, I want to appreciate my English teachers in Lunghwa University of Science Technology, especially our home leader, Gregory.

2010年6月22日 星期二

The Story of the Twelve Zodiac Years

Once upon a time, Buddha gathered all the creatures in his kingdom to appear before him. Buddha told them that he wanted to choose twelve among them to be the king of the earth, each for one year. They decided to hold a river-crossing race to select the twelve animals.

The mouse and the cat cannot swim so they asked the ox for a favor. They rode on the ox’s head. During the contest, the mouse kicked the cat off the ox’s head. The cat fell into the water and struggled. Since then, cats always chase mice for revenge.

When they got closer to the finish line, the tricky mouse jumped over the ox’s head and won the first prize. The first twelve animals that completed the journey were the rat, ox, tiger, rabbit, dragon, snake, horse, sheep, monkey, rooster, dog and pig. Each Chinese year is represented by a repeated cycle of these twelve animals.

Santa Claus Village

There are millions of people all over the world, who are dreaming of a visit to Santa. Many make their dream come true, and take a trip to Santa Village in the Polar Circle. Many children and adults visit Santa’s study with the fireplace in Santa’s main post office. There are letters, pictures and gifts sent by children. You can sit down in Santa’s sturdy rocking chair and listen to lovely Christmas carols.

Children can write Santa Claus and tell him about their dreams. The postcards and letters will receive a genuine Arctic Circle postmark. You can also send Santa an email.

Chinese New Year Festivities

The date of the Chinese New Year is determined by the lunar calendar rather than the western calendar. It falls on a day ranging from late January to mid-February.

In preparation for New Year, families clean out their houses, wash all the household utensils, and throw away unwanted items. Two days before Chinese New Year, the Chinese hold a thanksgiving ceremony in honor of Heaven. Chicken, pork, fish and fruit and so on have been prepared.

On Chinese New Year’s Eve, every member of every family returns home to have a reunion dinner. After the dinner, children receive red envelopes containing gifts of lucky money. Sons and daughters stay awake as long as they can during the night because it is believed that the longer the children stay awake, the longer their parents live. On New Year’s Day, after midnight, firecrackers are set off to “scare away” evil spirits.

On the first day of the Chinese New Year, many people don’t cook or eat any meat because they believe that this will ensure a happy and long life. Many people visit neighbors and friends. When people meet, they say “Gong Xi Fa Chai, “ to wish each other a happy new year.

On the second day of Chinese New Year, People pray to their ancestors and all the gods. Also, married daughters have a reunion with their parents and sons-in-law pay respect to their parents-in-law. On the third night of Chinese New Year, people go to bed early. On the fifth day, many stores start business once again after a long break.

During the Chinese New Year, there are many religious ceremonies and celebrations until the fifteenth day, Lantern Festival Day. Then all the New Year festivities are discontinued and everything returns to normal.

Passion for the job

Most people wouldn’t connect passion, enthusiasm, excitement, and energy with a job hunt, but employment experts say those qualities are exactly what are needed for a successful job interview, especially passion.

Passion is important because in any job interview you have to be persuasive and you can show your passion for the job. Showing your passion by talking about your experience, education and skills with a clear love of what you do and what you want to do.

Passion shows how much you love the job you’re in. It is a means of convincing the job interviewer that this is the job you really what to do, and that you can do it.

2010年6月12日 星期六

Generation N

Who is Generation N? They born after 1975 is called "Generation N.” They have been described as self-confident and spoiled. They process information very quickly, but they’re also known to be quite impatient.

Most of Generation N’s chose to marry later in life, or not at all. They think there is no need to marry if they can lead a happy and independent life by themself. They want to their own personal space and freedom. They eagerly buy and use the newest products. Unfortunately, Generation N‘s buy things on credit, but they have less worry about going into debt. We have some worry if Generation N is ready to become tomorrow’s leaders. But they have self- confident to face the future.

Things to know before entering the Hsuehshan Tunnel

There are two long tunnels in Taiwan that have become world-famous. One of them is the Bagua Mountain Tunnel. The other one must be the longest tunnel, Hsuehshan Tunnel. It is quite famous, and not only because it’s so long. The tunnel was extremely difficult to dig.

Drivers who don’t follow traffic regulations are a really big problem, especially when driving through a tunnel! Many countries have very strict rules for traveling through long tunnels. If something bad happens, it could be an unthinkable accident. Before entering a tunnel, drivers must remember to first turn on their headlights. While inside the tunnel, drivers are not allowed to randomly change lanes. The maximum tunnel speed is 70 kph. For safety, drivers should keep a 50m distance from the car ahead. If drivers don’t accept these rules, they will be fined. Following the road rules is very important when going through long tunnels.

2010年6月11日 星期五

Oyster Omelet

Oyster omelet is a popular dish which is sold in Taiwan’s night market. It is made with fresh oyster, eggs, Chinese cabbage stirred with flour. The combine of these ingredients require skills of fire controlling while frying. First, you should combine the flour, water until thoroughly blended and swirl the scrambled egg mixture into the heated pan. Being careful not to break the egg omelet, heat it until it begins to set. Pour the starch batter with oyster on top of the omelet. Cover with a lid, allow it to cook until it begins to turn translucent. The dish should have gluey texture and add spicy or chili sauce on the surface of the scrambled oyster omelet so that can provide an intense taste and become very delicious. Some stores have other choices such as shrimp omelet and seafood omelet. People like its fresh taste.

2010年6月1日 星期二

Shopping habits of men and women

There are many differences between men and women, especially they have different shopping habits. Men look on shopping as a mission that they try to locate the target as hunters want to catch animals. They make payment and exit the location as quickly as possible after mission accomplished. Women look on shopping as a social event. They would spend hours trying to find the right outfit, present or object.

Men seldom compare prices and don’t care if the goods are on sale. They sometimes compare quality if the goods are tools they often use. In contrast, women tend to compare their choices in details: price, quality, feel and if their friends or husbands like it. They may spend all day looking at several goods in different stores and still not buy anything. Women prefer to go shopping with girl friends rather than spouses.

There are many stores that observe the shopping habits of men and women. They analyze the information to give them a better idea. They want to know how to make men and women stay longer in their stores and see more products as well as influence their decision.

In conclusion, it is very apparently from many studies that men and women have different shopping habits. Many stores know and create a shopping environment that men and women enjoy, feel comfortable and welcome.