2009年11月12日 星期四

Extreme weather around the earth

Because the global warming cause the earth’s weather has already begun to change dramatically. We have hotter days, warmer nights, and crazier weather in these years.

Temperatures are rising, it shows there will be more heavy rains, more floods and mudslides, more typhoons. Taiwan, for example, had some extreme weather and caused disaster. In addition, some countries were hit by a heat wave earlier in the year. Temperatures rose above forty degrees, killing many people. Heat is not the only extreme weather that global warming may bring us. Many Asian countries were ravage by heavy rains and floods. And we have already had colder winters, stronger typhoons in the past.

The earth’s weather will probably continue to become more unpredictable and more extreme. Complaining will only make matters worse. We have taken steps to solve the problem. Greenhouse effect makes global warming, so we should make less poisonous gas. To protect global is everyone’s responsibility.

